149.md-grr (from the series- confidential/declassified: war godmother)
2008-2009 | inkjet on paper | 100x150cm

120.flg (from the series- confidential/declassified: flagellation)
2008-2009 | inkjet on paper | 107x148cm (image: 82x123cm)

130.md-grr (from the series- confidential/declassified: war godmother)
2008-2009 | inkjet on paper | 107x148cm (image: 82x123cm)

121.flg (from the series- confidential/declassified: flagellation)
2008-2009 | inkjet on paper | 107x148cm (image: 82x123cm)

127.flg (from the series- confidential/declassified: flagellation)
2008-2009 | inkjet on paper | 148x107cm (image: 123x82cm)

128.flg (from the series- confidential/declassified: flagellation)
2008-2009 | inkjet on paper | 148x107cm (image: 123x82cm)

132.md-grr (from the series- confidential/declassified: war godmother)
2008-2009 | inkjet on paper | 148x107cm (image: 123x82cm)

133.md-grr (from the series- confidential/declassified: war godmother)
2008-2009 | inkjet on paper | 148x107cm (image: 123x82cm)

134.md-grr (from the series- confidential/declassified: war godmother)
2008-2009 | inkjet on paper | 120x87cm (image: 99x66cm)

136.md-grr (from the series- confidential/declassified: war godmother)
2008-2009 | inkjet on paper | 120x87cm (image: 99x66cm)

137.md-grr (from the series- confidential/declassified: war godmother)
2008-2009 | inkjet on paper | 120x87cm (image: 99x66cm)

141.md-grr (from the series- confidential/declassified: war godmother)
2008-2009 | inkjet on paper | 120x87cm (image: 99x66cm)